(Scroll down to request information and quote.)
ORYCON Hybrid Hot Tunnel Gating Systems combine the advantages of externally heated manifolds with internally heated integral torpedoes. Because the torpedoes' heating resistance coils can be located at the optimum point, the recovery time is extremely fast. The mold cooling can be maximized and the cycle times can be reduced practically to the injection molding press limits. Hybrid Hot Tunnel Gating Systems are an economical alternative for high cavitation part molding. ORYCON’s Hot Tunnel Gating Systems are producing millions of parts in many different sectors of the plastics industry.
Each Hybrid Hot Half Assembly includes
1 - Clamp Plate
2 - Spacer Plate
3 - Retaining Plate
4 - Manifold
5 - Leader Pins (4)
6 - Integrally Heated
7 - Mold Junction Box(es)
with connectors to
customer’s specs
8 - Cavity Plate
9 - Cavity Insert
10 - Cavity
• Water Testing
• Electrical Testing
• Run testing of 3 cycles
of heating and cooling
before shipping
Parts Molded With Hot Tunnel Gating Hybrid Hot-Halves
Hybrid systems are well-suited for small parts, such as the samples shown above. The best way to request a quotation is to send us a drawing of the part and let us know how many cavities you would like to have in the mold. All information is kept confidential.
Click on the email link below to send us your drawing. Please specify the number of cavities the mold will have. Please insert "Hybrid Hot Half Quote" in the subject line of your email. Thank You.
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