ORYCON strives and supports a greener environment.
By their very nature, our products inherently eliminate waste and reduce the consumption of valuable resources and energy. In addition, our manufacturing engineering has made great strides in the removal of harmful materials from our process and from our products, working towards a better future for our planet.
ORYCON HOT RUNNER SYSTEMS allow the production of higher quality plastic parts which translates into less rejects, less material waste and less power consumption. Specifically, we contribute to a greener environment in the following ways:
• By eliminating the plastic material of the runner, which can be heavier than the
part itself.
• By allowing the production of thinner walled parts without reducing the strength.
• By allowing faster production cycles, products can be manufactured using less
• By increasing efficiency, higher production volumes can be achieved without
increasing plant size and carbon footprint.
• ORYCON'S HOT RUNNER CONTROLLERS allow manifold and mold heating in
the most efficient manner and reduce the energy consumption associated with
the "over-under mode" of conventional control systems.
We believe that by using our resources wisely we can accomplish great improvements for ourselves and generations to come. There is an immediate benefit to improved efficiency: Saving resources also makes economic sense.
For more information on how ORYCON is helping
the environment, contact ORYCON
Head Office: 3407 Rose Ave. Ocean, NJ USA Phone: 732-922-2400 Fax: 732-922-2403
Web: www.orycon.com Email: info@orycon.com
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